Saturday, April 17, 2010

So I like to bake when Im bored

So I was really bored last night when Steve was finishing his final paper... so I decided to make something yummy.  I dont know why but i love to bake! Probably not the best for my figure but hey its fun! So I made chocolate cupcakes and Steve and I frosted them and made them bugs. I thought it was fun!


  1. i have always wished that i was A} good at cooking/baking B} liked to cook C} just randomly cooked/baked just for fun. you have inspired me, i will try harder.

  2. Tosh YOU inspire me to be better all the time :) I love you friend

  3. Wow those are fabulous!!:-) good job you have some skills:-)

  4. You're so creative Dewster! Wish my brain thought out of the box like yours does!
